Heavy Night,last night
Last night i was sitting in Balcony of my house,tired of seeing the same kinda hot weather daily,tried to look beyond the balcony.Anything ,except the closest tree,was barely visible.The street light were down,no one seemed to possess an invertor or a genset in the whole society with ours invertor running out of battery too.Complete darkness prevailed over the colony.
Now completely wet I decided to sit on the wall,the wall which is about a foot wide,the wall which is my favourite place when i talk on the phone.There wasnt any phone in my hand that time.
I sat,then lied down,staring,rather just seeing the sky and hung my legs on both sides of the wall.One side would have led me to the ground floor and the other obviouly to the balcony floor.
I observed that very clear sky,the faintest star visible clearly,and wondered bout the sky which should have been a monsoon seasoned sky.Where were those clouds?
Suddendly mom came in and I almost reached the ground floor on that jerk,which gave me a feel like a bat striking me in dark.The only source of light in the dark were the stars,no moon that night.
A (roughly)cool wind was blowing too,though not continuos,which was somewhat able to relieve my sweating body.
No thoughts as such crossed over my mind at that time,so there's no thought to share now.